Leadership easily explained

Leadership is complex and complicated but can be explained in just a few words

by Marta Kowalska-Marrodan




Three pillars of leadership:

1.    Support
2.    Communicate
3.    Control
Leadership starts with setting a direction, defining goals and individual accountabilities, setting priorities, securing resources and providing support to empowered teams.
Communication with the team and with all stakeholders underpins the achievement of goals. Clear communication tailored to diverse audiences is a prerequisite of leadership.
And then, once all has been said, and everyone knows in which direction to go, it is the leader’s job to follow up and double check how things are going, provide not only support but also feedback, both positive and developmental.



•Common goal and vision
•Team development
•Priority setting
•Securing resources


Clear, consistent, transparent, audience specific


•Manage processes
•Delegate responsibilities - not just tasks
•Follow through and control of results
•Corrective actions

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